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It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of part of the circulatory system , specifically of the veins, arteries, lymphatic vessels and blood capillaries. The heart and intracranial arteries are excluded in this specialty.

veins are the most frequent problem in consultation with the angiologist. Varicose veins can lead to other problems such as thrombosis, leg ulcers and even pulmonary embolisms.

Other important problems related to this specialty are myocardial infarctions, necrosis, strokes, hemiplegia, diabetic foot, chronic venous insufficiency, or aneurysms.


When should I visit it?

If you suffer from:
Swelling in the legs
Leg pain
Redness or spots on the skin
Feeling of heat in the legs
Feeling of heaviness

Seguro, V. (2020, December 23). Angiology: What is it and what is it for? Vital Seguro. Retrieved November 10, 2021, from

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