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The gynecologist is a specialist in women's diseases, that is, those related to the internal and external genitalia, including breasts, and they also play a fundamental role in preventive medicine , by promoting health in apparently healthy women.


When should I visit it?

If you suffer from:
If you suffer from severe pain or discomfort after the first period, delays in the rule, excess or absence of bleeding, etc.
  When the period goes from being regular to irregular.
After starting an active sex life.
  If there are doubts about ovulation, use of contraceptives to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, etc.
If you detect bleeding between rules.
  If you experience burning and / or itching in the genital area.
  If it is appreciated that the vaginal discharge has a different appearance in terms of consistency and smell.
  If you detect any irregularity, expulsion of fluid through the nipple, sudden pain in this location or any change in any area.

- Www.Ilogica.Cl, I. (2019, February 5). What qualities should you take into account to choose your gynecologist? Medicine School. Retrieved December 6, 2021, from

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